Tag Archives: tuscany



You asked me if I was scared and I laughed and said no, definitely not. You took me by the hands and looked into my eyes and I could see the specks of gold and black in them like universes and feel the tiny hard bits of your fingers pressed into mine and it seemed as though I could fall into you, become you, as though you had opened yourself up to me and I had only to respond. I remember looking past you at the dusty green hills that blurred into the dusty blue sea and your smell of olive oil and lavender and wondering if this could really be happening, if anyone was watching. Are you sure? You asked slowly, your eyes with mine. Yes. Continue reading YOU WERE A QUEEN



Dear Diary,

Today I tore the head off a chicken. Enrico our host had done the previous two chickens, but apart from these examples he gave me no direction or advice. He is just so damn relaxed!

I put the chickens head to the ground, put a foot on one end of a stick and laying it over the neck, then quickly placed the other foot on the other end of the stick. Continue reading DEAR DIARY…TODAY I TORE THE HEAD OFF A CHICKEN



Cheese seems to be an important topic in Italy, you can watch grown men talk about it for at least twenty minutes without either one batting an eyelid or changing the subject.  Growing up in Australia my first experience of ‘Italian’ cheese came from a small green jar labelled ‘Parmesan’ in bright red letters.  It would last forever and didn’t seem to even need to be refrigerated!  The worst thing about it was the smell, I know most of you will be able to recall this smell immediately.  It wasn’t uncommon around dinner time to think “did someone just open a jar of Parmesan or throw up?”  It’s a memory we all have to live with. Continue reading I FORMAGGI ITALIANI SONO BUONISSIMI!


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Ciao bello! Ciao bella!

Finally our blog has caught up with us! We are currently at this farm in Toscano, Italia called La Serre. It is an organic olive farm, and the video below is just a quick look at what the work is like.

We have had the pleasure of working with some great people here, but in all honesty we have the most fun with Enrico, who owns the farm. He likes to spontaneously sing Bob Dylan songs while we pick, hence the song choice for the video. And he also says many very funny things, like “the pigs are smart… they eat twice a day… we eat three times… we are the pig.”

And when one of us tries to climb a little too high trying to get olives, Enrico yells out “we leave some for the birds!” It’s his nice way of saying “don’t try and be a big shot, get down from there before you hurt yourself and I am involved in some complicated litigation for medical expenses.” What a guy.